Annual General Meeting 


The 2015 Annual General Meeting for Love's Farm Community Association will take place as part of the launch festival for Love's Farm House on Saturday 24th October 2015.

From 4pm, working groups of the Association will be on hand with displays highlighting what we have been up to over the past year.

At 6pm, there will be a (brief!) presentation from the Chair, followed by the election of officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) for the 2015/16 year, with all business concluded by 6.30pm, in preparation for the evening's barn dance and disco.

The Love's Farm Community Champion awards will be presented later in the evening, during an interlude in the barn dance.

Please would you consider whether you might volunteer for one of the officer roles (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) - please contact me on if you'd like some more information on what the roles entail. Even if this is not for you, there will be details at the launch festival of plenty of other opportunities to get involved!

Marcus Pickering, 21/09/2015